$8f9|1-Isn't that the toy from Fisher Price? by Amida/CrN $f9a The system which will be used with TW will be the so called "Fisher Price Keyboard for kids!?" - AKA "The A600". The whole reason why, is for its compactness and portability. I still have the A4000 in storage but since I've moved to London for a full year of training, its much more convenient to carry an A600 everywhere I go, from London tubes, trains and even abroad! $8f9|1-The Spec of this toy! $f9a The internal 3.5" IDE harddisk inside the A600 belongs to the A4000 and everything on it is compatible. The A600 consists of 2MB Chip + 8MB Fast, proper AmigaOS3.1 chip (not some image grabbed from a ROM), 68020@28Mhz(+FPU), 1.1GB internal 3.5" HD, two internal Pentium fans. Last the appearance of the A600 seems like nothing has changed (only that df0: has been removed and sold). Other extras include external High Density and SCSI CDROM drives. Being non AGA would only sacrifice a few games and demos (which isn't what I bought the A600 for). Games and demos were never compatible with my A4000 and so nothing is lost. The ECS display modes on the A600 are very capable for displaying very high quality images. Its also capable in rendering AGA screenmodes using Imaging and ADPRO etc.... Basically capable of everything just like the A4000. I might consider porting TW to the A4000 once I return to it at Sept/Oct (after completing training at The Home Office). It will be upgraded with the new PPC and CyberGFX boards, Mpeg decoder, extra 32M SIMM, CD autochanger, new tower case, new hard disk and some other possible upgrades. Proper link cables between A600 <>--<> A4000. :) My one and only wish: No work, no College, just hours of non-stop coding and rendering on my Amigas. end